Inquiries and Permits
Development projects that include construction of new or enlarged structures of any kind, additional dwelling units or uses, the placement of fill, alteration of grades, are close to, or within, a stream, or an activity that may interfere with a wetland, may require a permit issued by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation (Under Ontario Regulation 41/24) prior to the activity taking place. This regulation is actively enforced for the protection of our watershed and community.
To understand and confirm your obligations before undertaking any development, please:
Contact our staff to determine if permits are required
Check the regulated area map
Check Fees and our Inquiry Form
Central Lake Ontario
Conservation Authority
Administration Office
100 Whiting Avenue
Oshawa ON L1H 3T3
Email: dkiriakou@cloca.com
Phone: 365-633-0477
Fax: 905-579-0994
NOTICE: This mapping was prepared pursuant to the former Ontario Regulation 42/06, which was revoked on April 1, 2024, and does not fully illustrate areas subject to regulation pursuant to Ontario 41/24, which is now in effect.
New mapping conforming to Ontario Regulation 41/24 will follow at a later date following a public notice period. Contact CLOCA staff to verify the current approximate extent of the regulated area.
Inquiries and complete applications may be submitted by fax, mail, or in person to the staff member who participated in the pre-application consultation process. Inquiry Forms may be submitted with Application forms to save time.