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Lynde Shores Conservation Area - aerial view


Planning Services

With the goal to work together towards sustainable and safe community development, Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOCA) provides residents, builders, developers, our municipal partners and the province with comprehensive and integrated land use planning, advisory, and regulations services.  By issuing development permits, CLOCA is able to regulate various projects and advise applicants on the best way to complete their projects to minimize impacts on the watershed and protect the safety of people and their property in relation to flooding and erosion.


Every year, hundreds of landowners receive our planning and regulation services leading to healthier and safer communities in the CLOCA watershed.

When reviewing plans, consideration is given to protect and restore the ecological and hydrological integrity of watersheds to protect people and their property:

Stormwater Management - water quality and quantity requirements for receiving watercourses

Groundwater - protection of the quality and quantity of our groundwater resources

Natural Heritage Features, Hydrologic Features, Systems and Environmentally Sensitive Areas - protection/conservation of physical and biological components of the landscape in order to maintain enhance and grow our natural heritage system

Wildlife Research Jackie Northern Goshawk with binoculars

Central Lake Ontario Conservation (CLOCA) is part of the land use planning system in partnership with local municipalities and the Region of Durham.

Our Planning Service Partners

We seek to ensure that development issues are addressed through comprehensive and integrated land use planning prior to proposals reaching the development permit stage.  We do this, in part, by providing early and comprehensive input into the municipal planning process and through assisting in the implementation of provincial, regional and local land use plans.  

Tributary Reinforcement Construction at CLOCA Conservation Area

We review land use plans, applications under the Planning Act and supporting technical reports and drawings to provide formal comments that address environmental and public safety considerations.  Specifically, we review: 

Official Plans and Zoning By-laws and Amendments

Secondary Plans, Subwatershed Plans and Servicing Plans

Consents / Land Division

Minor variances

Site plans

CLOCA offers information and analysis on natural hazards and natural heritage features and systems including:

Flood plain management

Erosion and slope stability


Shorelines of lakes, rivers, and streams

Ravines, valleys, and stream corridors

Natural Heritage Features and Systems

Groundwater, Source Water Protection, Hydrologic Features and Areas

Fish and fish habitat protection

Wildlife, movement and habitat protection

Stream Monitoring at CLOCA Conservation Area

   Central Lake Ontario

   Conservation Authority 

   Administration Office

   100 Whiting Avenue

   Oshawa ON L1H 3T3



    Phone: 365-633-0477

    Fax: 905-579-0994

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