Policies and Guidelines
Additional references and links:
MNRF (2002 as amended). River and Stream Systems: Flooding Hazard Limit Technical Guide.
MNRF (2002). River and Stream Systems: Erosion Hazard Limit Technical Guide.
MNRF (2001). Understanding Natural Hazards.
MNRF (1996). Hazardous Sites Technical Guide.
MNRF (1997). Wave Uprush and Overtopping: Methodologies and Applications (Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River Systems)
MNRF (2022). Ontario Wetland Evaluation System: Southern Manual.
MNRF (1996). Technical Guide for Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River System. (See Part One to Part Eight):
Part One - The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River System: Physical Features and Processes
Part Two - Recommended Shoreline Classification Scheme to Determine Shoreline Reaches
Part Eight - Environmentally Sound Hazard Management within the Hazardous Lands
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