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Sustainable Neighbourhood
Action Program

Building Resilient Communities at the Neighbourhood Scale

The Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Program (SNAP) is a proven solution for sustainable urban renewal that places neighbourhoods at the centre of the implementation framework. A sustainable neighbourhood is a healthy, safe, resilient place to live, work and play.​​

Kids Running with trees and houses in the background

What is a Sustainable Neighbourhood?

Sustainable neighbourhoods:

Sustainable neighbourhoods have accessible, diverse and healthy greenspaces.

Sustainable neighbourhoods encourage water and energy efficiency.

Sustainable neighbourhoods manage rain where it lands.

Sustainable neighbourhoods promote healthy living through active transportation.

Sustainable neighbourhoods foster a connected community engaged in stewardship and climate action.

Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) is working with municipal partners, residents, businesses, schools, and community groups to develop and implement plans for environmental improvement, urban renewal, community engagement and climate change resilience.

What is SNAP?

The Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) is a comprehensive and tailored strategy to revitalize mature neighbourhoods facing environmental challenges. Action Plans respond to local issues and community interests, address municipal and regional priorities and identify key projects that contribute to a shared neighbourhood vision.


Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority’s SNAP is a progressive approach to sustainability planning and program implementation that was adapted from the approach developed by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. This model engages the community, improves program efficiencies and builds strong partnerships for achieving collective outcomes.

A growing network of municipalities and community leaders are collaborating with CLOCA to apply SNAP as an effective approach for building sustainable, resilient neighbourhoods — come join us!

West Lynde SNAP

The West Lynde  Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) is a plan being developed with your community to make Lynde Creek and the surrounding neighbourhood heathier and prepared for a changing climate. 

Looking up a tree canopy with an opening to the sky in the shape of a heart.

West Lynde 
Neighbourhood Action Plan

The West Lynde SNAP will be developed in 2024 and launched in 2025 in collaboration with:

  • local residents, businesses, community partners and leaders;

  • Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority;

  • Town of Whitby, and

  • Region of Durham

About the Neighbourhood

The area of focus for the West Lynde Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) is an established neighbourhood spanning over 187 hectares (461 acres) along Lynde Creek in Whitby.

Aerial view of West Lynde Neighbourhood bordered by Dundas Street West to the north, Henry Street to the east, Highway 401 to the south and just west of Fothergill Court and the Lynde Creek to the west.

This community is home to just over 7,000 residents living in blocks of single-family, semi-detached houses, townhomes and high-rise buildings, and includes:

  • Residential areas

  • Commercial areas

  • Schools

  • Places of worship

  • Trails

  • Neighbourhood parks

  • Community gathering places

  • A network of valley land along Lynde Creek


As a mature urban area, it presents:

  • natural areas and community assets that we can protect and enhance;

  • a lively and active community ready to engage in climate action; and

  • many opportunities for environmental restoration and retrofit.


If you live, work, learn or play in this neighbourhood and would like to stay informed about this exciting program, we would love to hear from you!

Get Involved with SNAP!

Project Partners

Durham Region logo
Town of Whitby Logo
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